Voice of a new generation
Some colleagues who happen to be parents of young children were talking about flying with little kids.
There seemed to be agreement that occasional screaming fests are all but inevitable. But one mother said she has found other passengers will usually cut her some slack if it appears she is at least trying to address the situation and attempting to make it stop.
I tend to agree. All I want from the parent/parents in such a scenario is some sign that they are aware there are others on the plane who might prefer not to hear an hour of shrieking.
I guess, once upon a time, some parents would smack the kid into submission. But what if it is not a tantrum but is an eardrum thing or simple terror about flying?
I'd rather endure the screaming than witness a child getting throttled.
Though certainly, some kids are less charming than others. It's a good bet that it wasn't air travel that made them that way.