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The Slice archive for Dec. 7, 2012

FRIDAY, DEC. 7, 2012

Visiting the USS Arizona memorial

"Yes, my wife and I visited the Arizona," wrote Ted Shepard. "It was like a sacred religious experience, knowing a few feet below were entombed hundreds of young American servicemen. Everyone spoke in reverent whispers, including the visiting Japanese." Clarene Haynie wrote, "The thing that…

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Slice answer

"I visited the Arizona on Dec. 7th, 1961 -- 20 years to the date," wrote Dick Bean. "I was stationed on the USS Constellation carrier and we were called to the deck in our dress whites as the sun rose. We were across from the…

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The future is assured

It's not just a rumor. We have a guarantee. The year 2013 will arrive right on schedule. It's already, as Atticus Finch might say, a living, working reality. How do I know? Simple. The sell-by dates on milk cartons are all in January.

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Is Mariah Carey all about her boobs?

I suspect that how you answer that influences how you feel about her inescapable Christmas song. Sure, her vocal excesses and self-important gesticulating can be annoying. But sometimes it seems she's mostly a relentless cleavage offensive. There are worse things in the world. But really.…

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The Slice

The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.