Seeing that B.B. King will be appearing at one of the casinos this week reminded me that I owe him a few bucks. About 40 years ago, when I was in high school, two friends and I snuck into his concert at the University of…
Approximately 100 percent of the time that readers counsel me to stay away from controversial topics, it is in response to the expression of an opinion in The Slice with which they do not agree. Of course, the thing some readers don't realize is that…
Ever looked carefully at a map of a place where you lived as a kid and realized the area had several interesting natural and historical attractions -- all of which were not on your radar when you were a child?
What are your memories? We didn't have proms when I was in high school in the 1970s. They were considered too corporate or something. There were teachers and administrators who interpreted this as student apathy. But that wasn't quite right. We cared deeply about not…
If you don't use a certain bedroom ceiling fan during the winter, you will want to carefully dust the blades before firing it up again in the spring. You already knew that. But if you don't have a handy tarp to place over the bed…