The soundtrack for my bike ride home this afternoon was bird chirping. Seemed like way more than usual. It was loud, insistent and all around me. And though I can't say for sure, it sounded to me as if they were commenting on the weather.…
The truth is, many of us here in the Inland Northwest often act like rain rookies. One way you can tell is that a lot of those using umbrellas seem to have utterly no idea how much space these weather shields take up. As a…
Perhaps you can top mine. I can think of just one time when I introduced a man and woman who had not previously met and they became a couple. In fact, Jeff and Ann got married. And then divorced. There are a couple of interesting things about the graphic art on this 1980 program. The old-style Cleveland Indians-esque depiction of the native American isn't something current Spokane Indians management would consider using for two seconds. And you know how contemporary advertising tends to…
The Spokane River has its Big River pants on right now. If you have an opportunity to check out the falls downtown, it might be worth your while. Let's move on. Uh yeah, I'm gonna need you to go ahead and come in on Saturday:…