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The Slice archive for Sept. 23, 2011

FRIDAY, SEPT. 23, 2011

That first Playboy

Let me say, right off the bat, that if you are eager to be offended here, please be my guest. But the plain fact of the matter is, a lot of men my age can clearly remember the contents of the first Playboy or two…

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Here are a few more. These come from Mike Storms, one of the many readers whose photo is on display here at Slice Headquarters. Spokcan -- local jail. Spokalcohol -- Dry Fly. Spokcough -- results of pollen. Spokcows -- city taxpayers. Spokhole -- look at…

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The first vintage beer ads of autumn

Yes, and remember to drink responsibly. But if you dispense beer to trick-or-treaters it just provides ammo for Halloween-haters. Does his right arm seem abnormally long? Kids, you used to have to punch holes in the cans before becoming light-hearted. Or…

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The Slice

The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.