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The Slice archive for July 26, 2011

TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2011

Can you tolerate country music? 

That would seem to be a question that ought to be asked of those applying for jobs as roofers in Spokane. Years of walking or riding a bike to and from work at this time of year have given me countless opportunities to eavesdrop on…

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What is your favorite lake name?

You'll notice I didn't say it had to be an Inland Northwest lake. So I'll start with one of my favorites, Lake Memphremagog. It's in Vermont and Quebec. Someone else can grapple with the whole question of whether you hyphenate Jump Off Joe Lake.

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Feedback on today's print Slice 

Heard from a reader bright and early who took issue with something I said in today's Slice. I had suggested that a Little League pitcher who realizes a batter cannot handle his fastball should keep throwing fastballs and not start varying speeds. "That's not pitching,"…

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The Slice

The online home for Paul Turner's musings and interactions with disciples of The Slice.