Citizens chase down prowling suspect
Citizens cornered a vehicle prowling suspect in downtown Spokane today.
Glen Wayne O'Brien, 34, broke into a car near West Main Avenue and North Bernard Street about 9:45 a.m and fled as several witnesses chased him, the Spokane Police Department said.
He was cornered behind a building at 2nd Avenue and Stevens Street, where he assaulted one of the witnesses before officers arrived, police say.
O'Brien was arrested for vehicle prowling, possession of a controlled substance, city assault and an escape warrant from the Washington Department of Corrections.
As of 2:45 p.m., police were still trying to locate the owner of the vehicle to return the stolen item, which looked like a purse but wasn't of significant value.
Police remind citizens not to leave valuables in their car, or anything that may appear to be of value.
"If a criminal has no opportunity, it's hard for them to commit a crime," Officer Jennifer DeRuwe said in a news release.
O'Brien has a substantial criminal record that qualifies him as a repeat offender, according to news archives.