Man arrested w/ gun at Newman Lake
A man was arrested with a gun in the Newman Lake area Saturday after threatening two people, officials said.
Edwin J. Valenzuela, 59, told deputies two men attacked him and punched him in his recently installed pacemaker, so he displayed his gun.
But the victims, including Jeffrey Morse, president of the homeowner's association, said Valenzuela had contacted residents at 11733 N. Honeymoon Bay looking for a key to the boat slip area about 9:45 p.m. and became angry when a woman said she didn't have one, officials say.
Morse and Lyle Putz went to give Valenzuela a key, but Valenzuela grabbed Putz around the neck and held a gun to his head, according to court documents. The men said Valenzuela repeatedly called them racial epithets that incorrectly describe their race.
Valenzuela was arrested, and deputies say they found a black pistol with two loaded magazines in his room.
He was released from jail on his own recognizance Monday after appearing in court on two counts of first-degree assault.