Five Questions: Karen Mobley
Karen Mobley, SR file photo
Karen Mobley, is the city of Spokane arts director. Here, she takes time to reflect on the art of ice skating.
Q. When was the last time you went ice skating?
A. "The last time I went ice skating was on an ice fishing trip to Alcova Reservoir in Wyoming. I love ice fishing and the opportunity to be outside spinning circles from hole to hole on the ice is a thrill. I think it was about 11 years ago. (Before I broke my leg in 13 places and dislocated my foot from my leg falling on the ice at my house here in Spokane. I don't ice skate any more.)"
Q. Any favorite skating memories?
A. "When I was in elementary school I thought I wanted to be a real skater and practiced skating backwards by the hour. We lived near an irrigation pond and I would shovel a place to practice and skate after school and until after dark."
Q. Do you have a favorite figure skater?
A. "I usually don't pick favorites but I am old enough to have tried to cut my hair like Dorothy Hammill!"
Q. What are you most looking forward to about the 2010 U.S. Figure Skating Championships?
A. "Seeing all the people from out of town get really excited about their big adventure in Spokane!"
Q. What do you want guests and/or the television audience to remember about Spokane?
A. "Spokane is a terrific place with fine amenities, a lovely landscape and friendly, generous people."