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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Are We There Yet?

Boys versus girls

O.k. so maybe I am a bit biased...I prefer raising boys to girls...not that I do not like girls...after all I was one!
It seems that in many ways boys are easier..let's face it boys/men are less complicated than the female mind. When a male is hungry he eats. It is not so simple for the female mind...she must weigh many things before the first bite of food ( may or may not) reach her lips.
So as I watch my boys I am satisfied in the things that they do. When Ethan's friend Cory came over they were wrestling on the floor fighting over a ball. Cory's sister was more maternal and played with my little babies. It was so neat to see the striking differnces in little boys verses girls. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule but is it nature or nurture? The great debate on why boys act they way they do verse girls.
What do you think? Are boys raised to be rough and tough or is it us parents who form them that way? Do girls have a natural motherly nature or is it from their moms buying them dolls?

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