Idaho invasive species sticker requirements for watercraft clarified

WATERSPORTS -- Most kayaks and stand-up paddleboards are among the vessels required to have state Invasive Species Stickers before launching in Idaho waters, state officials says.
A story in The Spokesman-Review last Thursday regarding the regional effort to confront aquatic invasive species was not complete in describing the vessels that must meet the requirement, said Jennifer Okerlund, Idaho State Parks communications manager.
The "Frequently Asked Questions" section of the Idaho Department of Agriculture website says:
Q. What kind of vessels need to have the sticker?
A. Any boat that is registered in Idaho or another state, and any non-motorized vessel (canoe, kayak, raft, drift boat, etc.) need to have the sticker. Inflatable non-motorized vessels must be less than 10 feet in length to be exempted from this requirement.
Okerlund further clarifies that "inflatable, non-motorized watercraft UNDER 10 feet long are the ONLY vessels exempt from purchasing a state Invasive Species Sticker" or equivalent before launching in Idaho waters.
"If your boat is 10 feet long or longer, you need the sticker," she said.