ENDANGERED SPECIES -- A wolf attack on livestock in Ferry County has been confirmed this week by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Following is the report issued today by the agency detailing that wolf depredation along with updates on other wolf capture, collaring...
TRAILS -- The Shedroof Divide Trail along a spine of the Salmo-Priest Wilderness has been closed starting today because of a wildfire in the area, the Forest Service says. The Idaho Panhandle and Colville National Forests have issued temporary trail closures on National Forest System...
WILDLIFE -- Weeds aren't the only things growing like weeds this summer. Members of the deer family -- including deer, elk and moose -- have short "growing season" to sprout, spread and harden antlers that can weigh up to 50 pounds. Deer antlers are among...
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.