TV hunting hosts Eva, Jim Shockey campaign against poaching

HUNTING -- Hunting celebrities are stepping up to preach against poaching, the Idaho Department of Fish and Game says.
Here's the latest on a new campaign that will be showing up on TV and billboards around the state:
Nothing grates on ethical hunters more than those who commit wildlife crime, people who take more fish than their limit or hunt animals out of season. It hurts the resource and steals from the rest of us. That outrage is shared by celebrity outdoorsman Jim Shockey and his daughter, Eva, who are well known for their hunting adventure television shows
So, when a couple of Idaho Fish and Game’s conservation officers approached the Shockeys about doing some publicity for Citizens Against Poaching or “CAP” the officers were pleased with Jim’s response.
“I was surprised how quickly and wholeheartedly he jumped in,” said assistant enforcement chief Chris Wright. “He is a very ethical person.”
CAP is a nonprofit corporation with a board made up of interested hunters and anglers from around the state serving as regional directors. The idea is to provide an easy way for hunters, anglers and other citizens to report a wildlife crime by calling the toll free number (800-632-5999). The reports are routed to conservation officers for investigation. Rewards are paid if the information supplied is sufficient for a citation or a warrant to be issued.
So, with the CAP board’s blessing, Chris Wright and Andy Smith along with CAP president Jeff Frost and Fish and Game director Virgil Moore met with Jim Shockey to discuss Idaho’s CAP campaign. You see, Chris Wright and fellow officer Andy Smith envision enormous potential for CAP to be extraordinary. Presently, officers are issuing about 170 citations a year prompted by 700-800 calls a year. But they believe it could be much more. So, this campaign is to: “find ways to draw attention to the Citizens Against Poaching CAP line,” according to Chris Wright.
And that is where Jim and Eva Shockey come in. Jim has already cut this promotion
And this fall you will see images of Jim and Eva on billboards all over the state reminding citizens to report wildlife crime to the CAP hotline.
And what did the Shockeys ask for in return? Nothing. Jim and Eva are doing all this for free. Why? Because they care about Idaho’s wildlife and outdoor heritage.