WDFW seeks comments on proposed 2017-18 hunting seasons

HUNTING – Public comments on proposed recommendations for Washington's 2017-18 hunting seasons are being accepted by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife through Feb. 22.
The proposals and comment forms are posted on the department's website.
Most of the proposals address changes in special permit levels and hunting-area descriptions proposed since the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission approved the state's last three-year hunting plan in 2015.
However, one change proposed by WDFW would significantly increase the daily limit of white-fronted geese and white geese throughout the state in response to those species' growing abundance.
Another would allow the department to restore points to hunters who draw a permit for a damage hunt but are not called to participate in a hunt.
The Fish and Wildlife Commission will also accept public comments on the proposed recommendations at its March 17-18 meeting in Olympia. Decisions on the final proposals will be made at the commission's April 14-15 meeting in Spokane.