SHOOTING -- One of the S-R's systems experts knows the language of computers as well as the language of sportsmen. His reply to my query on the safety of opening an attachment directed to me in a questionable email is good advice for computer users...
HUNTING -- About 200,000 people go out to hunt each year in Idaho, which ranks third highest of the 50 states in percentage of adult population participating in hunting. Yet hunting-related accidents are rare. That's impressive considering that most hunters carry loaded guns as they…
They’ve learned to trust no one and no one should trust what they say, either. “One year we had a skinned-out bear hanging on the pole,” Koller said, recounting a legendary Scoggin Hole story. “A guy driving by stopped and asked what it was, one...
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.