Video: Couple scrambles up Beehive Dome’s granite face
CLIMBING -- Benjamin Read of Sandpoint compiled a short and very sweet video as he led Olivia Chantry of Spokane last weekend on her first scramble of Beehive Dome.
The dome is a huge bulge of granite that catches your eye while driving up the Pack River Road into the Selkirk Mountains and the trailheads for Chimney Rock, Beehive Lakes and Harrison Lake.
Says Read:
The scramble takes a few hours normally. Or about an hour and a half if you're comfortable soloing it.The approach is 20 minutes or so, and there is a Tyrolean cable across the only stream crossing at the bottom.The scramble is mostly easy 3rd-5th class, but we stayed roped up since this was her first trip up and a fall would be quite the tumble.It's almost 1,300 feet of continuous clean granite topping out around 6,200 feet elevation.There's an easy walk-off decent around the left side that traverses the base and drops back into the avalanche chute that's the approach.What's not to love?
A road closure enacted earlier in the season has been removed and visitors can drive all the way to the end of the road and the Harrison trailhead. Bushwhacking and a stream crossing -- check out Read's solution -- are required for reaching the base of the Beehive Dome.
"There's still quite a bit of snow in the Beehive/Harrison basin's up high," Read noted, even though little of it shows in his video. "I had some friends still making ski turns up there this last weekend."