Newman Lake restricted for aquatic weed control

WATERSPORTS – The public access site at Newman Lake in eastern Spokane County will be closed Tuesday-Thursday, June 7-9, to allow treatment of the lake with herbicide to control Eurasian milfoil and other aquatic invasive weeds.
The Newman Lake Flood Control Zone District, under permit from the Washington Department of Ecology, has hired Aqua Technex to treat milfoil infestations on about 30 acres throughout the 1,200-acre lake with 2-4-D.
A swimming restriction will be in force during treatment and for 24 hours after treatment, according to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Boating and swimming will be discouraged the day of treatment and for two days after. Signs with that information will be posted. The boating restriction is needed because wave action reduces the herbicide's effectiveness.
The past three summers of aquatic weed treatments at Newman Lake have reduced the original infestation, said Karen Kruger, Spokane County Water Resources Technician.
Newman Lake is open year-round for fishing.