LAKES -- No boaters, blimps or angels were taking advantage of the "dock in the clouds," photographed this afternoon at Priest Lake by area blogger Pecky Cox. "So glassy still at the lake... not a sound," she said.
HUNTING -- A Canadian hunter has set a world record high of $410,000 for a bid to hunt one of the giant mule deer bucks at a Utah state park in November. The auction, which raises money for wildlife management, was held last weekend during...
FISHING -- Conservation groups are suing the federal government over what they describe as foot-dragging when it comes to recovering wild Puget Sound steelhead, the Associated Press reports. In the lawsuit, filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Seattle, Duvall-based Wild Fish Conservancy and other…
FISHING -- Sportsmen are fond of stocking ponds and endorsing events that give kids and other newcomers a chance to try the sport of fishing. To that point, the Spokane Valleyfest fishing pond event at Mirabeau Point pond is praiseworthy. But after that, it gets...
HUNTING -- A group founded in the Methow Valley is taking a stab at reviving the spiritual and physical values of bison by taking on the dirty work of processing the kills of Yellowstone-region hunters. The eight members of this year’s Buffalo Bridge are honoring…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.