FISHING -- Dan Hansen of Spokane Valley celebrated Presidents Day in honor of our nation's 32nd president by casting a line from shore at Lake Roosevelt. In his report, he didn't say where he went fishing on Valentines Day.
WINTERSPORTS -- If you were trying to sweep a Valentine off her feet, the ski resort near Wenatchee would have been the place to do it Sunday night. A Valentine’s night wind storm raged like a jilted lover at the Mission Ridge summit, gusting to…
WILDLIFE WATCHING -- In what's become an expected annual event, trumpeter swans beckoned by ice-free waters have returned to Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge. Here's a Valentine's Day (Sunday) report from reader Barbara Morrissey: Six trumpeter swans arrived 2/14/16 afternoon at about 4 p.m., with their...
FREE FLIGHT -- Meet the men and women who are re-writing the definition of "hang time" in a collection of films coming to Spokane to celebrate man's lofty dreams to soar with the eagles. The Free Flight Film Festival will screen on Feb. 15 with...
WINTERSPORTS -- Get a taste for backcountry skiing in a free program sponsored by the Spokane Mountaineers at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16, at Mountain Gear Headquarters, 6021 E Mansfield in Spokane Valley. Club members will present "Backcountry skiing in and beyond the Inland…
HUNTING -- Despite reservations about disturbing big game on winter ranges, Montana is taking a bold step from protocol in an effort to balance elk numbers with landowner tolerance. Montana wildlife board OKs shoulder season elk hunts After a popular pilot project that killed more…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.