HUNTING -- Hunters who applied in Idaho's second controlled hunt drawing for elk, deer, pronghorn, and fall black bear can check online to see whether they were successful in the recent computerized drawing. Results are available on the Idaho Fish and Game website. Applicants can…
FISHERIES -- Closures on a 183-mile stretch of the Yellowstone River and hundreds of miles of other waterways could continue for months while biologists try to prevent the spread of a parasite believed to have killed tens of thousands of fish. The closures will remain…
WILDFIRES -- Due to the Hart Road Fire burning north of Davenport, Porcupine Bay campground, day-use and boat launch has been closed until further notice, according to a release by the Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area. All visitors to Porcupine Bay Campground and Day-use...
PUBLIC LANDS –The National Park Service is celebrating its 100th anniversary this week with special events across the country and free admission to all 412 national parks from Thursday through next Sunday, Aug. 25-28. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell will be visiting parks from coast to…
WILDERNESS -- Grandfathered at the time the Salmo-Priest Wilderness was designated, the Little Snowy Top Lookout is a piece of history and a rare shelter in a storm for a wilderness traveler. But some buttheads are trashing it. It sickens me to think that people...
HUNTING – A hunter from Texas has won Idaho’s coveted super hunt combo that allows widespread access to hunting elk, deer, pronghorn and moose, Fish and Game Department officials say. Hunters purchase lottery tickets for the four species and the combo hunt. Two drawings are...
FISHING – The Snake River will open for the harvest of fall chinook salmon Sept. 1-Oct. 31, the Washington Department of Fish Wildlife announced Wednesday. Open areas include: The Columbia River from the railroad bridge between Burbank and Kennewick upstream approximately 2.1 miles to the...
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.