Photo contest focused on women hunters

OUTPHOTO – Washington’s modern rifle elk season opens Saturday, giving sportsmen another chance to put aside the rifle, pick up the camera and snap a good photo of the girl or woman out for the hunt.
For the fourth year, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is holding a photo contest, the winner of which will grace the cover of the state’s 2015 big-game hunting regulations pamphlet. The state distributes 650,000 copies of the pamphlet each year.
Last year the contest looked for the best photo of a hunting camp.
This year’s theme is “Women: Hunting Through the Generations.”
“We know that the world of hunting is full of mothers, sisters, daughters and wives,” the agency says in its announcement. “Passing down hunting knowledge through the generations is something that brings families closer and turns hunting experiences into cherished memories. If your family includes women who know a thing or two about the hunt, we want to know about it.”
Some rules to consider up front:
- Digital photos should be at least 1 MB – preferably larger – to ensure a quality print job.
- Photos should not include logos or items that could appear to endorse specific companies or products.
- Submissions must be received by March 1, 2015.
See details on the agency’s website under Hunting.