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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Outdoors blog archive for Nov. 26, 2014

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26, 2014

Map shows North Cascades Highway (State Route 20) in northcentral Washingtons. (Washington State Department of Transportation)

North Cascades Highway closed for season

OUTDOOR TRAVEL --The North Cascades Highway is closed for the winter after an avalanche assessment on Tuesday determined transportation workers could not safely reopen it. The 37-mile stretch of Highway 20 between Mazama and Newhalem closes every winter due to avalanche danger. The highway temporarily…

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This gray wolf howling north of the Grand Canyon was documented in November 2014 as first gray wolf in northern Arizona in more than 70 years. The wolf is wearing a radio collar attached in another Northern Rockies state, but the device is no longer transmitting a signal that would accurately detail the animal's origin. (Arizona Game and Fish Department)

Gray wolf news updates 11-26-2014

PREDATORS -- It's been a quiet week in the region some people would like to call Wolfbegone. But here are a few notes about the species as wolves continues to recover their native range in the Northwest. A Whitman County wolf shooting case is in…

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Outdoors blog

Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.

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