OUTDOOR TRAVEL --The North Cascades Highway is closed for the winter after an avalanche assessment on Tuesday determined transportation workers could not safely reopen it. The 37-mile stretch of Highway 20 between Mazama and Newhalem closes every winter due to avalanche danger. The highway temporarily…
PREDATORS -- It's been a quiet week in the region some people would like to call Wolfbegone. But here are a few notes about the species as wolves continues to recover their native range in the Northwest. A Whitman County wolf shooting case is in…
WILDLIFE -- Looks like everyone's a winner in this deal. The Idaho predator derby organizers wanted to make a point that they don't like wolves. And they're point was made on a huge stage of publicity. No wolves were killed in a previous derby even…
WINTERSPORTS -- The change from Discover Passes to Sno-Park Permits is one of the transitions underway at Mount Spokane State Park as snow begins to pile up and road plowing begins. Starting Dec.1, vehicles accessing the cross-country skiing and snowshoer parking areas will be required…
FISHING -- Sam Ellinger of Ellensburg has set a state record for the largest Pacific bluefin tuna caught off the coast of Washington, the state Department of Fish and Wildlife has confirmed. The 39.20-pound tuna measured 41 inches and was caught 28 miles offshore southwest…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.