Learn to distinguish Eurasian collared-dove from mourning dove

WILDLIFE WATCHING -- The Eurasian collared-dove is an exotic species that's unprotected in Washington and Idaho and can be shot by licensed hunters year-round where hunting/shooting is allowed. They're delicious, too.
- See today's outdoors column on this imported and not necessarily welcome species.
- See an eBird chart that graphically shows the spread of ECD sightings across North America in two-year intervals.
But it's important to be able to distinguish the collared-dove from the similar mourning dove, which can be hunted only during designated September seasons.
Eurasian collared-doves are larger than mourning doves and slightly lighter in color. Aside from the diagnostic black collar on the backs of their necks, they also have a squared tail as opposed to the pointed tails on mourning doves.
See more diagnostic features and listen to recordings that distinguish their different calls at the following Websites: