WILDLIFE WATCHING -- Timing of the Othello Sandhill Crane Festival for this weekend once again appears well-timed for seeing a variety of bird species migrating through the Columbia River Basin. Here's a report posted today by a language-building birder from Electric City, Roy A. Myers:…
PREDATORS -- Last week, on the last day of the 2014 Idaho legislative session, lawmakers passed a bill to create a state Wolf Depredation Board that will work to control the growth of wolf populations in the state. In addition, wolf hunting and trapping seasons…
HUNTING -- The 2014 spring gobbler seasons are coming up: WASHINGTON Youth turkey season -- April 5-6 General spring gobbler season -- April 15-May 31 IDAHO Youth turkey season -- April 8-14. General spring gobbler season -- April 15-May 25.
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.