Clearwater river hot for spring chinook fishing

FISHING -- "Fishing was exceptional in the Clearwater River drainage last week with catch rates less than 10 hrs/fish in many places and averaging 14 hrs/fish for the entire basin," says Joe Dupont, Idaho Fish and Game Department regional fisheries manager in Lewiston.
"Based on conversations with our creel personnel, it looks like the fishing is only improving this week," he said in an email a few minutes ago.
"We plan to check our harvest numbers Thursday (6/5/14) to evaluate if we need to make any closures. If harvest continues to remain high, adult harvest closures could occur in river Section 2 (main Clearwater from Cherrylane Bridge to Orofino Bridge) and Section 3 (North Fork) as soon as the end of fishing on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or possibly later."
A notice will be released on Thursday, he said.
"The other river reaches will remain open to adult harvest through the weekend and we will evaluate the data on Monday to determine how to proceed."