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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Outdoors blog archive for Dec. 15, 2014

MONDAY, DEC. 15, 2014

Reel Time Fishing guide Toby Wyatt gets a workout filleting salmon after a successful day with clients on the Hanford Reach. (Rich Landers)

Hanford kings set records for numbers, catch

FISHING -- Every angler with a clue knows that 2014 was a fabulous fall chinook salmon fishing season on the Columbia River. But Paul Hoffarth, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife fisheries biologist in the Tri-Cities, just tallied the following numbers to put the season…

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Hikers find virtually no snow on Dec. 14, 2014, walking through Spokane County's Antoine Peak Conservation Area. (Nora Searing)

Save the snowshoes; let's go for a hike

WINTERSPORTS -- Cross-country skiers and snowshoers have two choices to satisfy their longings in this unusually snow-shy start to winter: Travel. Take a hike. The photos above are two examples in point. Nora Searing found fall-like conditions on the south side of Antoine Peak Conservation…

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Outdoors blog

Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.

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