Salmon run is big, but so are upper Columbia rainbows
Fly fishers pose with a feisty 23-inch rainbow, "one of four really nice rainbows we caught on the Columbia at Castelgar," on Oct. 1, 2013, with fishing guide John Muir, said Everett Coulter (back) of Spokane. (Hugh Evans)
FLY FISHING -- Everett Coulter of Spokane emailed to remind me that the record run of chinook salmon stampeding upstream from the ocean isn't the only fishery worth exploring in the upper Columbia River.
The photo above shows a feisty 23-inch rainbow, "one of four really nice rainbows we caught on the Columbia at Castelgar," he said. "We landed two on dry flies and two on nymphs. The fishery on the Columbia is really quite good."
The other photo (click "continue reading") shows Hugh Evans (back) of Spokane with more proof that Coulter isn't blowing steam.
The anglers fished out of a drift boat with Columbia-Elk river fly fishing guide John Muir.
There you go.