FISHING -- Idaho Fish and Game officials just posted this notice to holders of three-day salmon-steelhead permits fishing in waters and at times when steelhead and chinook salmon both are present and can be caught and kept: Differentiate harvest of the two species on your…
HUNTING -- Former Spokanite Adam Lynn returns from the West Side every fall to hunt with friends on the opening weekend of Washington's modern rifle deer hunting season. He routinely shows up everyone in his group with his uncanny instinct for where the game will…
SKIING -- Washington Fish and Wildlife Deparment biologists recently hiked through the sites on Mount Spokane where the State Parks Commission approved new ski runs for the expansion of the Mt. Spokake Ski and Snowboard Park. The WDFW formally opposed the expansion of the new…
WILDLIFE ENCOUNTERS -- A big deal is made of human encounters with predators such as bears and wolves. But a wide range of wildlfie -- including prey species such as deer -- can become dangerous when conditioned to lose their fear of humans. I blogged…
WATERFOWLING -- Idaho Fish and Game officials say the time chart on Page 11 in the 2011-2012 Waterfowl Seasons and Rules book has some incorrect times for five days in January in southern Idaho area. The opening times on January 22 through 27 in the…
WILDLIFE -- A rare sight to behold: A sow black bear and her four cubs take refuge in a tree near U.S. Highway 93 just south of Whitefish, Mont., on Monday. The family of bears quickly drew a crowd as both sides of the highway…
WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT -- The Idaho Fish and Game Commission will meet Nov. 9, 10 and 11 in Coeur d’Alene. A public comment period is scheduled to start at 7 p.m. Nov. 9. The commission’s routine agenda includes appointing a commission representative to Western Association of…
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.