STEELHEAD FISHING -- Although this year's big flows have delayed the migration of this year's adult steelhead run UP the Columbia River, the surge has begun at Bonneville Dam -- the first dam the fish hit as they come inland from the ocean. Within a…
SALMON FISHING -- Good news and less good news for salmon anglers comes from today's meeting of the Columbia River fisheries Technical Advisory Committee. The group of scientists updated expected run sizes as follows. Summer chinook = 80,000 at the Columbia River mouth. Pre-season forecast:…
Upper Spokane River Drift from Tanner Grant on Vimeo. RIVER RUNNING -- Tanner Grant of Spokane filmed his rafting trip Saturday as he and friends ran the unseasonably high flows from Harvard Road downstream through Flora and Sullivan rapids to Plante's Ferry Park. He said…
WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT -- Idaho announced it's wolf management plans -- including trapping -- last week. Montana officials plan to address hunting and management proposals this week. Wyoming continues to be a step out of sync, although that may be changing. U.S. and state officials said…
OUTDOOR PEOPLE -- A woman who became cult hero as a naturalist an outdoorswoman in the 1970s has died after a long illness. When her marriage fell apart in the mid-1960s, Anne LaBastille took refuge in the wilderness, building a log cabin on a hidden…
WILDLIFE ENCOUNTERS -- An Oregon man visiting Yellowstone National Park with his family helped rescue a hiker who was being threatened by a bear on Friday just days after another grizzly attacked and killed a hiker in the park. The rescue as he paddled his…
BOWHUNTING -- From my recent interview with Ted Nugent, here's an audio clip of his rant on the archery industry and its tendency to promote high-poundage bows.
LAKES -- Public health officials issue warnings this time of year to be wary about the color of the water we enjoy for recreation. Algae, the microscopic organisms that grow naturally in the ocean and fresh water, are generally harmless. But one kind, called cyanobacteria…
FISHING – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is holding meetings this month to discuss proposed treatment projects at four Eastern Washington Lakes, including a project at Kings Lake in Pend Oreille County. Using rotenone to remove existing fisheries and restocking with desired species…
CAMPING -- Get tips for organizing and preapring fun, easy meals at the campground during a free intro to camp cooking program Thursday, 7 p.m., offered by the staff of the REI store at 1125 N. Monroe. Next week at REI: Backpack cooking basics.
Rich Landers writes and photographs stories and columns for a wide range of outdoors coverage, including Outdoors feature sections on Sunday and Thursday.