Enchantments reservations go online Monday

BACKPACKING -- Reservations for overnight permits to camp in the Enchantment Lakes Basin will be available only online beginning this year, starting Monday.
A popular destination in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, camping in the Enchantments from June 15-Oct. 15 is limited, and permits are picked by lottery each year.
Instead of hand-processing thousands of permits, the Wenatchee River Ranger District has changed to an online system, according to a news release. Applications may be filed beginning Feb. 28. Those who win permits will be notified beginning April 5.
The application fee of $5 per person, per day is the same, but an additional $6 will be charged per permit. Fees pay to administer the system and help fund wilderness rangers and other on-the-ground services.
Hikers can also access alerts and other recreation information through the reservation website. Applications require a profile and password, which can be set up in advance. Those without access to the Internet can call the reservation helpline at (877) 444-6777.