Rufus Woods triploids fewer but bigger
FISHING -- Here's the latest fishing report from Lake Rufus Woods on the Columbia River downstream from Grande Coulee Dam.
It comes from Anton Jones (above with a 9-pound triploid rainbow) of Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service.
This is a great time to fish Rufus Woods for triploid rainbows. The numbers aren’t what they were a couple of months ago, but the average size is better.
Troll smile blade flies just under the surface or cast one quarter ounce black roostertails to catch fish around the lower three net pens. If that isn’t happening, move up to the lower pens and fish green or red Pautzke’s fire bait off the bottom with a slip sinker rig.
If the current is pushing good, add a Mack’s smile blade in front of the bait to attract those fat boys.