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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Matter of Opinion

2010 Election Endorsements

To recap, here are the S-R endorsements. We didn't choose in every race. Uncontested races are not listed. To read the full editorials, click here.

City of Spokane

Proposition 1 (Children’s Initiative): No

Spokane County

District Court Judge, Position 6: Debra Hayes

County Commissioner, District 3: Al French

Assessor: Ralph Baker

Auditor: Vicky Dalton

Prosecutor: Frank Malone

Legislature – Washington

House District 3, Position 1: Andy Billig

House District 3, Position 2: Timm Ormsby

House District 6, Position 2: John Driscoll

Senate District 6: Chris Marr

Statewide — Washington

Supreme Court Justice, Position 6: Richard Sanders


U.S. Senate: Patty Murray

U.S. Representative, District 5: Cathy McMorris Rodgers

Ballot Measures

Initiative 1053 (Supermajority for tax increases): Yes

Initiative 1082 (Three-way industrial insurance): Yes

Initiative 1098 (Income tax for high earners): No

Initiative 1100 (Eliminate state liquor sales): Yes

Initiative 1105 (Eliminate state liquor sales): No

Initiative 1107 (Repeal sales tax on soda and candy): No

Referendum 52 (School construction bonds): No

Senate Joint Resolution 8225 (Redefine state interest costs): Yes

House Joint Resolution No. 4220 (Permit bail denial for three strikes defendants): Yes


Governor: Keith Allred

Superintendent of Public Instruction: Tom Luna

 U.S. Representative, District 1: Walt Minnick

Senate Joint Resolution 101 (Tuition at University of Idaho): Yes

House Joint Resolution 4 (Revenue bonds for public hospitals): Yes

House Joint Resolution 5 (Revenue bonds for public airports): Yes

House Joint Resolution 7 (Revenue bonds for municipal electrical utilities): Yes

Gary Crooks
Gary Crooks joined The Spokesman-Review in 1997. He is editor of the Opinion section and a member of the Editorial Board.

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