What's in a name?
Funny how we embrace the First Amendment right to petition our government but we scorn those who practice it. They're called lobbyists.
Funny how we embrace the First Amendment right to petition our government but we scorn those who practice it. They're called lobbyists.
Author J.D. Salinger's death on Wednesday got lots of appropriate attention but it seems to have eclipsed that of political scientist Howard Zinn on the same day. Sallinger was known primarily for his novel "Catcher in the Rye." Zinn was known most widely for one…
A Kansas jury deliberated for all of 37 minutes before finding Scott Roeder guilty of first-degree murder in the shooting death of abortion provider Dr. George Tiller. Roeder, who shot Tiller in the head during services at his church, was relying on a so-called necessity…
There's the State of the Union. And the State of the Onion. Both have many layers.Or discuss whatever you'd like.
ACORN "pimp" busted, along with other folks. Your views on law and order and other topics here.
This video is from "Ukraine's Got Talent." Using sand and a light box, an artist depicts the World War II invasion and the toll from the three-year occupation. Her performance is so powerful that the audience is reduced to tears. Do you ever wonder what…
After finally acknowledging he's the father of Frances Quinn Hunter, former presidential candidate John Edwards gets all misty on us about his earlier denials: "...hopefully one day, when she understands, she will forgive me."Understands what? That her dad put his libido and his political aspirations…
There are threads on campaign speech and health care below. This one is for whatever else tickles your fancy. Like, say, cliches.
That's what it looks like anyway. Pelosi won't be able to get the votes needed to pass the Senate bill. Meanwhile, the Senate bill needs 60 votes and now has 59 (at best).Scott Brown says he's open to working with Democrats on a bill. He…
Supreme Court overturns the McCain-Feingold limits on campaign spending.What will this mean? Is it the right call?
Try this test. It relates to this issue.So any legislation that singles out hand-held cell phone use misses the point. It's the head, not the hands.
Well, that was a balmy weekend. Nice.What's on your mind today? Will the death of Kennedy mean the death of health-care reform?
Not surprisingly, the U.S. Supreme Court will take up the question of whether people who sign initiative and referendum petitions are entitled to a cloak of secrecy. Until the robed ones rule, though, we underlings still have time to discuss the matter. So I ask…
Thought this was interestnig. Will passing health reform make Obama more popular? Not if you wanted it to do more. Not if you wanted it to do less. Not if didn't want it in the first place. Those are today's views. Will they change? In…
Here it is. So there you go.
A Libertarian's ranking of presidents. Would be interested in gmorton's thoughts.This ranking puts some of the more obscure presidents at the top. Van Buren, Cleveland, Tyler, Coolidge, Taylor. It doesn't think very highly of the guys on Mount Rushmore.Would Bob Barr, the most recent Libertarian…
A round-up of commentary on Harry Reid's comment about Obama here.Is it just like Trent Lott? Should he resign?
There are red-light cameras all over the Phoenix Metro area. Was fearful that I had run a light recently while on vacation, but that depends on when the camera clicks. The light was yellow when I entered. Guess I'll find out soon.What do you think…
Sen. Patty Murray is in today. What questions would you ask her?
Never spent a winter on the West Side. Is this what it's like?Put your random musings here.
Finally, the holiday top ten lists are gone. Time to look forward.So what's on your mind today?
A Matter of Opinion is really a matter of three opinions – those held by the people responsible for the opinion pages of The Spokesman-Review. Check in regularly to find out what they’re up to, what they think and where they differ and to joust with them if you want.
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