Monday's Loose Thread
Well, this was sure depressing. So cold-blooded. So scary. Mike Huckabee angle here.Thoughts on this and other topics?
Well, this was sure depressing. So cold-blooded. So scary. Mike Huckabee angle here.Thoughts on this and other topics?
Be careful out there.Safer to stay put and your post-turkey thoughts here. And consider this your thread for weekend leftovers.
Time magazine makes the case. Seems the 1930s would be in the running. What decade do you regard as the worst for the United States?
Busy, busy, busy. Every year during the Thanksgiving scramble, I think it would be much easier if the day were moved to the last weekend in November. It's not like President Lincoln is around to protest. By the way, Lincoln's T-Day proclamation will be the…
Apple or pumpin pie? Our family has made the choice.What's on your mind today?
To your health!What is up today? Translation: Wassup?
Dang! Sixty, That's just really old.Thoughts on this Friday before Black Friday (uh-oh, here comes that Steely Dan earworm!)?
Here you go, and remember that profane acronyms are a deal breaker, FWIW.
Enjoy the sunshine while ... oops!. There it goes.Bring on the commentary!
Is today gonna be a good day? I gotta feelin. (make sure you watch at least a minute)What's on your mind?
I'll be a one-armed paper hanger for the next two weeks. So it's up to you to keep these discussions moving. Not that you ever need my help.So, what's on your mind today?
Did you see this? Or this?Just a little comedy relief.
Release your pent-up demand here. But clean up after yourselves.
Moving ceremony at Fort Lewis. Thoughts on this or other news?
A nice woman who catches the bus where I do opined the other day that with hints of snow in the air, she bets some people still haven't got their winter tires on yet.Well, uh...guess what I just added to my to-do list.But if you…
Two national stories on today's front page, involve two of society's most polarized issues: abortion and capital punishment. The public seems to be rigidly divided across an uncrossable gulf on both topics, yet in my several decades on this planet I have seen considerable, even…
Big news over the weekend is that the health-care bill passed in the House. Onward to the Senate.Thoughts on this and other news?
Michael G. Cahill of Spokane was one of the victims of the Fort Hood shootings.Condolences to the family and anyone who knew him.
Remember when that was a hot topic? Republicans vowed to fix it. Well, that isn't going so well. In fact, it isn't going at all. But eight of 10 panel members, including Cathy McMorris Rodgers and Mike Simpson, are still requesting them.This is an interesting…
That Coeur d'Alene Council race between Mike Kennedy and Jim Brannon is amazingly close. Five votes. Wonder how many people didn't vote, because they figured it wouldn't matter.Thoughts on this or other news of the day?
So what were the biggest election surprises?
Election predictions, anyone? I think Ref. 71 will pass and Prop 4 and I-1033 will fail.
And afternoon darkness descends. I really don't like rolling back the clocks.What's on your mind?
A Matter of Opinion is really a matter of three opinions – those held by the people responsible for the opinion pages of The Spokesman-Review. Check in regularly to find out what they’re up to, what they think and where they differ and to joust with them if you want.
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