My Lucky Commute
After hearing all the horror stories from people trying get up the South Hill, I guess my trip home was a breeze. Just didn't seem like it at the time. The first challenge was just walking across Monroe at Riverside to get to the parking garage. At 5 pm, the cars were stacked up. Guess the commute started an hour early.
Took me 15 minutes to clear the snow from my car, with the help of two manila folders. Once the fluffy stuff was off, I then got out the scraper and got the windshield cleared. Thank goodness I brought boots yesterday. .Oh, almost forgot. I dropped my keys next to the car, and amazingly found them right away. Small panic there.
I had heard that many paths up the South Hill were closed or impassable, so I figured I'd try trusty Maple/Ash. Me and a thousand other drivers. Seeing that snarl, I picked my way through Browne's Addition and emerged on Sunset, heading west. I turned south on Government Way and took the freeway overpass. Just me and three other cars. At about 16th, I popped out on Highway 195. From there, I took Hatch Road to 57th. Piece of cake. Was home at 5:48 pm.
What's your story?