Letter: Snowy sidewalks, cont’d
In regards to George Britton’s letter about snowy sidewalks ("Snowy sidewalks a crime," Dec. 11), I totally agree that homeowners are responsible for keeping their sidewalks clear after a snowfall. However, some blame needs to be assigned to the city of Spokane and their lousy snow removal.I live on a secondary arterial and when the plows go down this street they bury every sidewalk with compacted snow and ice which is almost impossible to clear when dealing with the very cold temperatures. I myself don’t believe I should have to do the job twice for the same snowfall. Because it is a very busy street pedestrians are put in danger when the sidewalks are in this condition.
Cheryl Reynolds
I fully sympathize with this writer's frustration. But I suppose my question is, what exactly are city snowplows supposed to do about it?