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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Eye On Olympia

Gregoire to announce “landmark initiative” to reduce greenhouse gases…

Gov. Chris Gregoire, who will be in Seattle tomorrow to testify at what promises to be a packed and lively EPA hearing on global warming, says that she will afterwards "announce a landmark initiative to reduce greenhouse gases in Washington."

The hearing is one of only two nationwide on the federal Environmental Protection Agency's proposed finding that carbon dioxide and several other greenhouse gases endanger human health. The ruling could dramatically speed up efforts to control such emissions.

Among those who will likely be hitting their browsers' "refresh" button at 10 a.m. tomorrow: rural Republicans, who battled a Gregoire-backed cap-and-trade bill into little more than a study bill this session. That change was a disappointment for environmental groups, some of whom joked that with both the "cap" and "trade" provisions largely stripped from the bill, they were left with just an "`And' Bill."

Short takes and breaking news from the Washington Legislature and the state capital.