Brandland: add teachers to the state health plan…
Saying it would probably save money for schools, teachers and state government, Sen. Dale Brandland, R-Bellingham, wants to put school employees onto the state health plans.
Schools would pay the same rate that state agencies do to cover their employees.
As things stand now, Brandland says, schools spend a large chunk of their local property-tax levy dollars to buy health coverage. And he says the state plans "are generally more affordable" than what school districts offer. (See below.)
As for the state, it would get a larger pool of employees, giving it more bargaining leverage with insurers and hopefully boosting economies of scale.
State rates for medical and dental coverage in Spokane County:
-Individual: $25 to $112 per month
-Entire family: $79 to $318 per month
Rates for other areas are here.