Senate budget site drawing some questions…
As I mentioned yesterday, Senate Democrats have set up a website to take budget-related questions from the public.
So far (11 questons from 23 people), the questions range from friendly:
"When is the legislature going to wake up and realize we have a revenue collection shortfall problem that cannot be resolved by regressive taxation structures that affect one class of resident more than another, as a sales tax does?" writes Daniel K. from Redmond.
to not:
"Lisa, Now that the Labor Council has been cleared of ANY wrongdoing by both the Washington State Patrol and PDC, will you finally keep your word and allow for a vote on the Worker Privacy Act?" writes "Honestly" in Spokane.
to detailed:
"Reading your revenue income budget data it conflicts with OFM data (17 Dec 2008) 'table 1' at (Adobe PDF doc) -as a result, where do you get your revenue shortfall data for past and current years?" writes John Sherman from Tacoma.
Stay tuned.