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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Eye On Olympia

Detailing the cuts…

Gov. Chris Gregoire's two-year budget plan, released Thursday, suggests closing a $5.7 billion budget shortfall with deep cuts.

Here's a look at some of the biggest cuts, local cuts, and some new local spending:


-do away with cost-of-living raises for teachers and other school staffers for the next two years: $349 million.

-eliminate a variety of school pilot programs, including the reading corps, civics curriculum, and math helping corps: $23 million.

-”suspend” about a quarter of the money for class-size reduction: $178 million.

Higher Education:

-across-the-board cuts of up to 13 percent at four-year colleges and 6 percent at community and technical colleges. The colleges can decide what to cut, although effects may include cutting faculty, cutting support staff and offering fewer classes. Savings: $342 million.

-doing away with faculty and staff cost-of-living raises at community and technical colleges: $33.4 million.

Human services:

-do away with the Adult Day Health program, which serves about 1,900 elderly and developmentally disabled people: $20 million.

-reduce nursing home reimbursement rates by 5 percent: $46 million.

-shrink mental health funding for Regional Support Networks: $31 million.

-toughen accountability for welfare recipients and push them into jobs quicker: $30 million.

Health care:

-stop buying vaccines for children not covered by Medicaid: $50 million.

-cut the state's Basic Health Plan for the working poor by 42 percent and shrink the things it will cover.

-halt plans to let parents buy state-subsidized health coverage if they're between 250 percent and 300 percent of poverty level. For a family of 4, that's $53,000 to $63,600 per year. Savings: $6 million.

-eliminate General Assistance for the Unemployable, which provides health care and issues checks of up to $339 a month to thousands of people. Savings: $251 million.

-cut hospital reimbursement rates by 4 percent: $47 million.

Natural resources:

-close 7 fish hatcheries: $7 million.

-close 13 state parks, plus other parks during off-peak seasons: $5 million.

Law enforcement:

-shortening probation and eliminating probation supervision for misdemeanors and low-risk felonies: $69 million.

-shrinking drug and alcohol treatment: $11 million.

Local cuts or changes:

-cut the Spokane Intercollegiate Research and Technology Institute budget by 9 percent.

-reduce state funding for the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture by 10 percent and merge it with the Washington State Historical Society, saving $500,000 a year.

-tuition at Eastern Washington University and Washington State University can rise up to 7 percent a year, and 5 percent at community colleges.

Proposed new spending on local projects:

-$32.3 million for a technical education building at Spokane Community College.

-$29.3 million for a new chemistry and life sciences building at Spokane Falls Community College.

-$9.7 million to renovate the old science building at Spokane Community College.

-$13.8 million to renovate Spokane Falls Community College's music building 15.

-$250,000 for predesign work for a new building to replace the current photography and fine arts buildings.

-$28 million to renovate and expand Eastern Washington University's Patterson Hall.

-$400,000 for predesign work on a replacement to Eastern's 46-year-old science building.

-$7.4 million for work on a biomedical sciences facility at Washington State University's Pullman campus.

-$250,000 for predesign work on a new biomedical and health sciences building at WSU's Riverpoint campus in Spokane.

-$586,000 to research Spokane-area water rights.

-$144,000 for predesign work on a new maintenance facility at Mount Spokane State Park.

Short takes and breaking news from the Washington Legislature and the state capital.