Eye On Olympia Boeing’s latest move: Is that a bead of sweat on the brows of state officials? Tue., July 7, 2009
Eye On Olympia Patty Murray proposes $11 million new safety complex at Spokane’s Fairchild Air Force Base… Mon., July 6, 2009
Eye On Olympia What you’ll see on the ballot: Eyman made it (probably), R-71 folks are still gathering signatures, and everyone else derailed… Mon., July 6, 2009
Eye On Olympia The water wars: Franklin County farmers sue over large feedlot’s water demand… Tue., June 30, 2009
Eye On Olympia WA think tank: rural residents have the hardest time getting fresh produce on the table… Tue., June 30, 2009
Eye On Olympia State fire marshal: Shaping up to be a higher-than-average fire danger season in E. WA… Wed., June 24, 2009
Eye On Olympia Ethics board: technical violation by Rep. Short, but “inadvertent, minor” and fixed… Wed., June 24, 2009
Eye On Olympia Complaint against Sen. Pam Roach dismissed, despite “questionable tactics” by Roach and aide… Wed., June 24, 2009