Big data in a different cause: giving WSU football fans a panoply of game views
Today's tech story on is about the Pullman-based company 3D-4U, developing a form of interactive viewing that its inventors hope catches on.
This technology has been used during two seasons of Cougar games at Martin Stadium on the Washington State University campus.
What happens is the group of cameras around the field are collecting HD quality video from the stadium, producing a video feed of around 1,200 lines.
In near-real time, users with laptops, tablets or phones can view the feed on their devices using the company's app. The resulting display on those screens is about 500 lines. Viewing can be done either during the game, or at some later stage. Either way, the company is creating a "second screen" option tor people to look at events or performances with a lot more control over the point of view.
The photo here shows company employee Matt Poppe at the 3D-4U servers inside one of the sky boxes at the stadium. All the feeds from the cameras come in via fiber and then go out to customers via WSU wireless broadcast.