The weekly lineup of events and morning sessions include the following: Dec. 4, a conversation with Chris Majer, hosted by Greater Spokane Inc. At the GSI offices downtown, from 7:30 to 9 a.m. Cost of tickets: $25 for members. Majer played a key role in…
Spokane companies generally aren't pushing the boundaries of cloud technology. Except for a few, and one of the best examples is Liberty Lake-based 2nd Watch, Inc.. We at Officehours haven't called 2nd Watch's number all that often this year. This week we do have one…
Gift cards are everywhere, and especially in the minds of stocking-fillers. We bring you this worthwhile update, on efforts to pass a law that bans expiration dates on credit cards. And on first blush, the thought comes jumping out: Why should the federal government care…