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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Office Hours

Paging robwahl and Gato: You may already be a coffee-card winner

REPOSTING, and we apologize. Don't know how but we managed to confuse Gato with surgeryGirl.
Trust us, it's an easy mistake when no one uses their real names anymore when posting to forums.

We're not even halfway done with our Atticus coffee card commitment. Where are two of our winners?

You may recall we invited readers to submit suggested names for the new joint operation between Group Health Cooperative and Providence Health. We got seven submissions and we chose three winners: 

No 1: Paramount Medical, suggested by robWahl.

 No. 2: Providence Group Health Cooperative, by surgerygirl.

 No. 3: Whole Health of Spokane, by Gato.

We've mailed an Atticus card to Gatosurgerygirl. We haven't yet received comments/emails from robwhal or from Gato surgerygirl. Those two need to post email or a PO Box here. Or email

Tom Sowa
Tom Sowa covers technology, retail and economic development and writes the Office Hours blog.