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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Home Planet archive for March 2010

MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2010

Parenting without a map

Last week at the bookstore, I spent an hour moving slowly along the rows and bookshelves, my head tilted to one side, reading titles. After an hour or so of skimming titles and sampling chapters I had three books I couldn’t leave behind so I…

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SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 2010

Photo by Cheryl-Anne Millsap (Cheryl-Anne Millsap)

A slice of life

My middle daughter Becca swept into the house on Friday night. Like spring, she comes into any room with a lion's roar.After takeout from Gordy's, and spending some time visiting with us, she turned herself over to the little sister. They disappeared upstairs and we…

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MONDAY, MARCH 22, 2010

One Yellow Bell

photo by Cheryl-Anne Millsap Undressing, I slipped my hand into the pocket of my skirt and pulled out one single small flower. A forsythia bloom. A tiny yellow bell. I’d forgotten it was there. I have a habit of dropping things into my pocket, like…

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Anchored at home

Photo by Cheryl-Anne Millsap I am, and I have to believe it is true of most others, two people in one body. On one side, I am a contented hermit. I love nothing better than time at home surrounded by the rooms full of furniture…

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Rainy day carb overload

I wish I knew why cold rainy days (look out the window!) make me crave a grilled cheese sandwich. I also wish I knew what childhood psycho/emotional conditioning makes me crave a mug of hot chocolate with my grilled cheese. This is a dangerous and…

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My Bunny is Back on the Ocean

Two years ago when my son took his first job on a restored 1949 oceanographic research vessel, I wrote the column below. He was to be the boat's new engineer. It was his first time at sea. And my first experience with sending a child…

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So, I had this little thing I wanted to write. I tried all day to get it right, but the words played a game of chase and stayed just out of reach. Finally, out of patience, I walked away. "I don't care," I called over…

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Signs of spring

In case you're luxuriating in the warm wonderful springness going on outdoors: You're welcome.You see, after last winter's endless snow fell on top of my half-prepared vegetable garden, roses and flower beds, I learned my lesson. I made sure all the winter preparations were made.…

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Stepping back to Portland

I'm planning another trip by train to Portland. It's one of my favorite vacations. I don't mind the late departure, I don't even mind riding in coach. There is plenty of room to stretch out and I usually find someone interesting to talk to along…

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Where the Wild Rivers Run

Special to PinchMarch 2, 2010By Cheryl-Anne Millsap Waking early in the February morning, it took a minute to get my bearings in the dark Missoula hotel room before I dressed for the day’s drive. We were crossing a swath of the wide Flathead Valley in…

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Looking back: Raising a son

February 25, 2008 Home Planet: Kids often leave us hungry to know more Cheryl-Anne Millsap The Spokesman-Review The first person on my mind when I opened my eyes in the morning, was my son. I suppose that was because I had talked to him the…

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Cheryl-Anne Millsap's Home Planet column appears each week in the Wednesday "Pinch" supplement. Cheryl-Anne is a regular contributor to Spokane Public Radio and her essays can be heard on Public Radio stations across the country.

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March 2010
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