Northeast Youth Center's executive director Kate Zehner Green sent an email this morning, announcing three upcoming public meetings seeking support for NEYC and other programs that may lose funding in 2013. The Parks and Recreation Department is facing a 4 percent budget cut in 2013,…
For the 15th year in a row the Hillyard Heritage Celebrations will be putting on a free chalk art walk on Saturday June 3 starting at 10 a.m. Artists are encouraged to bring their own sidewalk chalk when they register on the corner of Olympic…
The 14th annual flash light Easter egg hunt is this on this Saturday, March 31, at Hays Park which is located at 1700 E. Providence Ave. Sponsored by North East Youth Center the egg hunt is divided into three age categories, with the youngest going…
The annual Hobo Dinner benefits the Hillyard Heritage Museum - get your tickets soon. The blog just noticed there is no phone number on the poster - here it is: call Mike at 509-483-2383 for tickets.
I stopped by the Merchants Committee meeting Wednesday morning at the Outlaw Cafe - they meet at 8:30 a.m. every Wednesday - and there's always lots to talk about. Here are a few of my notes: There is a meeting tonight at Northeast Community Center…
At this morning's Hillyard Merchant Committee meeting there was some conversation about who and how snow may be cleared from street parking spots (aka cut outs or parking bays). In the business districts along Market Street, North Monroe, Garland and South Perry, the snow and…
If you are on Facebook already and want to stay in touch with what's going on in and around Hillyard, here are some Facebook pages for you to follow: The Greater Hillyard Business Association can be found here. The Hillyard Festival Association can be found…
The Spokane City Council approved an ordinance establishing a public development authority for northeast Spokane on Dec. 12. Establishing a public development authority in that area has been at the top of the agenda of the Northeast Development Advisory Board, which was created 12 months…