Clean up deadline extended
From Jonathan Mallahan at the office of Neighborhood Services:
If your neighborhood has not yet submitted a clean up application or would like to make changes to your clean-up schedule the application/change deadline is coming up!
The deadline that was outlined at our mandatory clean up orientation and in the clean up packet is June 1st, however, we are extending the deadline to Wednesday, June 8th in order to give you an extra week to make these decisions with your neighborhood.
The purpose of this deadline is to allow for my office to complete the clean-up fund reallocation process. Through this process, funds not utilized or planned to be utilized are reallocated to neighborhoods hosting fall programs based on their relative size. Your neighborhoods funds will not be reallocated if you have planned fall events, the balance from your first allocation carries over into the Fall.
If your neighborhood does not indicate which fall clean-up programs you intend to host by this date, your funds will be reallocated. We would like to avoid reallocating funds that your neighborhood wants to use, so please contact us if you have not yet submitted this information to our office.
Thank you for your help in this matter. As always, we are happy to work with you and your neighborhood to plan for effective clean up events.
Please feel free to contact me at 625-6734 or George Hollwedel at 625-6733.