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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Hillyard Blog archive for Oct. 28, 2010

THURSDAY, OCT. 28, 2010

A "Jesus Garden" just off Market Street. October 27, 2010 (Pia Hallenberg)

Seen in Hillyard

As I'm getting to know the neighborhood better I pick up little bits and pieces here and there. I came across this very small and kind'a frozen community garden the other day - it's just off Market, by O'Brien Furniture. Fried green tomatoes anybody?

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Halloween decoration from Hillyard store front on Oct. 27, 2010 (Pia Hallenberg)

Get ready to howl

Just a reminder that the Hillyard Howl starts tomorrow - the blog will be there Saturday afternoon. Will the blog be dressed up? Hmm... Maybe? What should the blog dress up as? A newspaper man? Here are the howling details:Hillyard has three days of Halloween…

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Pia Hallenberg covers everything going on in the Hillyard neighborhood.