Changes coming for Memorial Field
Bill Greenwood, City of CDA Parks Director, and Phil Boyd (Welch-Comer Engineers) shared with the board an updated design of the Memorial Park element of the Four Corner Master Plan. The primary components of the updated design include:
- Reorientation of Memorial Field (i.e. rotating the existing field layout eastward resulting in a more northerly orientation when viewed from home plate.
- Modification to the City /County parking lot design / layout
- Repositioning of certain park improvements on the ignite cda "triangle" property that will be exchanged with the City
- Potential relocation / replacement of existing field lights on Memorial Field. This design change could be an expensive proposition and costs for such a lighting modification are not in the current budget; the issue is still being researched
- New Memorial Field orientation will require installation of some tall fences/netting to control softball flight into parking areas
- Full presentation and discussion here.