City sets up temporary skate park near Sunset
Open letter to Coeur d'Alene's skaters (posted on city of Coeur d'Alene Facebook page):
Check out the satellite skate park location we are setting up at 1355 Best Avenue (in between Motion Auto Supply and Inland Fence, just west of Sunset Park)!
While we begin the improvements at the Memorial Field complex, including a new skate park that is intended to come online in Spring 2018, we have set up the skate ramps up north.
We're so excited to have this facility open for all of you while we work on the brand new park to come next year!
The City was able to work with its wonderful urban renewal agency, ignite CDA, to help fund half of the new skate park facility in Memorial Field. Unfortunately, the City did not get awarded the other half of funds from the state, which it sought as a grant.
We are still fully committed to getting that other half of funding and for the park to come online in 2018.
Thanks so much for your patience while we make these improvements, and we hope you enjoy this new location at Sunset Park!